Friday, May 21, 2010

Getting Out of Dodge

So, at 5:30 in the morning, after a fitful, stressful and mostly sleepless night, I decided I couldn't stay another minute. From nerves and from lack of sleep, I knew that if I didn't leave then, I'd be worse later on. We sneaked out of the hotel, leaving behind trashcans full of messed up newspapers and a not-so-clean sheet. (I'm sorry!)

Into the car. And hit the road for home. A four hour drive with a helpless pup and a tired, stressed-out driver. I had a little box with a blanket on the front seat. During the trip home, Sonny was moved from the box into my lap and back, for the four hours it took to get home.

When my daughter called later that morning to ask what time we were coming over, I had to explain that I was now only one hour from home. Although disappointed, she understood.

Thank goodness we had shopped for puppy stuff before I picked her up. Everything was ready at home, including a crate, blankets, water and food bowls, food and treats.

And I had already scheduled an appointment with the vet for that Monday. In retrospect, I am so glad I had the foresight to schedule an appointment in advance.

When I said I was 100% invested with Sonny even before I met her, I really meant it. I even had scheduled an entire week of vacation for the upcoming week so that Sonny and I could work out kinks, work on house-training, hang out. Get to know each other. Cuddle. You know, bond.

Yes, I was very invested.

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