Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sonny!! (As in Sonny Liston, the boxer. Get it?)

Her markings were -- and still are -- beautiful. She has white flashing across her chest in the shape of a cross. There are patches of brown around her paws, her butt, her eyebrow. Her nails are black AND white. Without the flashing, she has the markings of a rottweiler. Just not the build. She has a pointy head. The breeder told me that a pointy head was a sign of intelligence. Well, all I can say, after 3 years with Sonny, is "I'm still waiting!" She has more of the European look about her -- her face is more pointy than "American" boxers. She's got jowls, but  -- and this is one of her FEW pluses -- she doesn't drool.

I can no longer remember whether I had already named her "Sonny", or if I waited until I got home the next day to give my husband the belief he had a say in her name!

I had driven down from my daughter's house to the breeder's, holding Charley, who had been purchased from the same breeder one week before. On the way back, my daughter drove, holding Charley in her lap. And I sat, holding Sonny in mine.

She was quiet. She was curious. Apparently, she was hungry. I just didn't know it yet. My daughter and I had had the foresight to bring puppy treats to bribe our pets. I opened the bag and handed a treat to Charley. As I reached into the bag to pull out a treat for Sonny, she DOVE HEAD FIRST  INTO THE BAG. Yes, she was really hungry. And, yes, she was really that small!

We got back to my daughter's house and I gave Sonny her first bath in the bathroom sink. I had some alone time with all the dogs -- Sonny, Charley and Treyce. I was in dog heaven. We all took a nap on the couch, then went outside to get warmed in the sun. It was April, and Sonny and Charley were 7 weeks old.

I had rented a hotel room that night because my daughter and future husband had house guests. Do you understand what I just said? I rented a hotel room for that night. With a puppy. WHAT WAS I THINKING???

Coming Up: Can you check into a hotel under a pseudonym?

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